Europe by Bike 2025


There will be three categories of travel days. On chill days we only go to the next city or leave after an event. The distance will be shorter and we might take public transport. In rare cases we also take more time to visit cultural places or enjoy the nature. On average days we will cycle around 100 km and try to keep a healthy balance of cycling, resting and fun stuff. As the name says, this should be the most often case. If everyone of the current group agrees, we can also go faster and challenge ourselves for higher distances. There is no limit, but keep in mind, that this is not a race. Depending on your current level and the category in which you see yourself joining, I recommend the following preparation:

  1. It's a good start to try bike tours around 20 km. You don't have to be fast, but focus on the riding and make sure you feel comfortable on your bike and saddle.
  2. To prepare for longer distances, get used to cycle more often. For example you can go to work in the morning and home in the evening by bike and make little detours to reach 20 km each day.
  3. Try a longer bike tour on a sunny and not windy weekend. You have reached the fitness level for average days, if you can cycle 60 km in less than 3 hours or 80 km without a longer break.
  4. If you want to join fast days, get used to cycle 80 km in 4 hours at least two times a week.

Please note that these numbers are the absolute minimum in my opinion. However, I am not a professional and your case may differ from my experience.

Project Preparation

When it became clear that the project would take place with several participants and that most of the nights would be spent outside, the first step was to obtain the appropriate equipment, including a sufficiently large tarp, and test it under various conditions. How do you build a sleeping place in the forest? Are all the materials waterproof? How much food is needed and how can it be transported? The first preparation tour took place in fall 2022 and was designed as a survival challenge. 100 hours in the wilderness without electricity, fire, map or clock. The route was determined spontaneously based on road signs and the position of the sun. The second preparation tour took place under the aspects of luggage, hosting, events, navigation and travel distance. 1,300 km in 13 days and two ESTIEM events in Aachen and Braunschweig on the way, so 18 days in total. Both preparation events were a great success and produced the hoped-for results or revealed existing problems. For physical preparation, the Project Leader completed a training program consisting of various sports for up to 15 hours per week and bike tours of up to 80 km without a break.

In addition, interested cyclists were approached and invited from the very beginning. An Instagram channel was set up in 2023 for advertising and communication purposes, and the YouTube channel and WhatsApp community were added a year later. Final registration began in September 2024 with the publication and promotion of this website. The first stickers were printed after the Council Meeting in Aveiro and distributed at events. A financing plan was also created very early on and continuously adapted. It is important for further preparations to acquire more participants and sponsors. So what are you waiting for?

Project Leader: Jonathan Püttmann
Contact: info💚
© Jonathan Püttmann 2024